I'm not sure either it is my fault or not but I'm very sure I've managed its properly. Regarding to my PhD study in local, VC not endorse my admission application. He forced me to go to oversea. But why? I thought that I've listed the concrete reasons. I have no choice....Inilah ujian utk hambaMu.. Ya Allah, berilah daku kekuatan dalam menempuhi ujianMu..then.... I accepted it. So, I told kak zue bout my situation is. She suggested me to fly after I deliver my baby. Bila difikir2 balik, inilah ujianMu yang terbaik untukku.
Thanks to my beloved hubby on your support.
Yey Kalan.... Bobak
10 years ago
Takpe c.kam, memang rezki c.kam nak smbg phd kat oversea..i wish best of luck to u..jaga baby leklok..
thanks eila stand behind me and gives lot of support......wish you all da best.
xper..rezeki ade kat mana2..advantage jgk g obersi..can gain a alot of knowledge n xperiences which nver been paid..gud luck to u!(^_^)
sabar je la...
huhu~ saya pun ingat nk wat oversea gak... malas dah nak fight utk wat local...
lor..asal pulak camgitu..xkan diorg xconsider..xpe la cik kam..tp ok what..kalo g skrg nti anak cik kam lahir dekat obersea tuh..hehe..
cik kam..jangan sedey2..semua yg berlaku ada hikmahnya...
allah knows what is the best for us!
muah muah patratus juta kali
Allah xkan uji umatNya dengan ujian yg kita xleh hadapi. Trust me.. Lambat skit pun xpe g ovc. Maybe that's the best way for u. Time is just a number. Banyak kan bersabar.
thanks to all of my frendz coz gimme lots of supports....cayang korang..
huhuhu chaiyok ibu!!kuatkan semangat, janagn bagi bby tau ibu sedei n dalam dilema...hehee nt bby lei main snow laa nt =)
"emm setiap kejadian ada sebabnya, mgkin kita tatau sekarang, tp insyaAllah Allah sentiasa memberi yg terbaik utk kita, so kita kena bersangka baik kepada Allah"
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